My Jehann
I wish we were still small, Jehann,
and our world was great.
We sat upon a wall, Jehann,
at neighbours well so late.
The full moon sailed across the sky,
we saw her, where she went,
and talked about how far the stars
and where the well might end.
Recall these precious eves, Jehann,
no leaves stirred on the trees.
This time has gone for good, Jehann,
remains in memories.
And when we heard the shepard's song
lonely in the field.
Ain't it true, Jehann, this melody
was our world and our shield.
Sometimes when evening twilight falls
I feel a kind of blue.
It shivers down my back in crawls
like at the well with you.
I turn myself so hastily
imagine someones call.
But the only thing I feel, Jehann,
are my tears which fall and fall.
©Translation: Margret Silvester

Mien Jehann (Original Text) Plattdeutsch
This song in low german was written by Klaus Groth, when his younger brother died - too early.
Ik wull, wi weern noch kleen, Jehann,
Do weer de Welt so grot!
Wi seten op den Steen, Jehann,
Weest noch? bi Nawers Sot.
An Heben seil de stille Maan,
Wi segen, wa he leep,
Un snacken, wa de Himmel hoch
Un wa de Sot wul deep.
Weest noch, wa still dat weer, Jehann?
Dar röhr keen Blatt an Bom.
So is dat nu ni mehr, Jehann,
As höchstens noch in Drom.
Och ne, wenn do de Scheper sung
Alleen, int wide Feld:
Ni wahr, Jehann? dat weer en Ton!
De eenzige op de Welt.
Mitünner inne Schummerntid
Denn ward mi so to Mod.
Denn löppt mi't langs den Rügg so hitt,
As domals bi den Sot.
Denn dreih ik mi so hasti um,
As weer ik nich alleen:
Doch allens, wat ik finn, Jehann,
Dat is - ik sta un ween.
©Klaus Groth
* 24. April 1819 in Heide; † 1. Juni 1899 in Kiel